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XIV's Aquascape Tanks
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XIV's Aquascape Tanks
semua tank saya dari pertama main aquascape sampe sekarang saya satukan saja yah disini
XIV's Carnivorous Plant Paludarium - PAGE 1 POST 9
Lawewu Hills V2.0 - PAGE 1 POST 2
XIV's Carnivorous Plant Paludarium - PAGE 1 POST 9
Lawewu Hills V2.0 - PAGE 1 POST 2
Green Side of Kopatea V2.0 - PAGE 1 POST 2
XIValudarium - PAGE 1 POST 7
Londa - PAGE 1 POST 3
Green Side of Kopatea - PAGE 1 POST 3
Lawewu Hills - PAGE 1 POST 3
Little Verbeek - PAGE 1 POST 4
The Old Sorowako - PAGE 1 POST 4
My Shrimp - PAGE 1 POST 8
Salonsa Forest - PAGE 1 POST 4
Sumasang Green Theater - PAGE 1 POST 4
Shrimscape - PAGE 1 POST 5
Verbeek Harmony - PAGE 1 POST 6
Untitled - My First Tank - PAGE 1 POST 6
Last edited by XIV on Tue 15 Dec 2020, 21:16; edited 4 times in total
XIV- Big Fish
- Posts : 121
Points : 3992
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2014-05-03
Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
ribet juga punya banyak jurnal...
kedepannya semua jurnal saya digabung dithread ini saja.
kedepannya semua jurnal saya digabung dithread ini saja.
- Lawewu Hills V 2.0:
- proses:
ditinggal keluar kota 2 minggu malah jadi lumayan bersih nih tank hahahaha- PRA FINAL SHOOT:
Spec :
  * Tank size : 30x20x25cm
  * Fertilization : Estimasive Index + micro aquaflirt + Dekastar
  * Lightning : HPL 12 watt
  * CO2 : 1 bps
  * Substrate : Pasir malang + Silika
  * Filtration : HOB Luckyness
  * Hardscape : Sule Stone
Flora :
  * Baby Tears
  * unknown moss
  * fissiden
  * HG japan
Fauna :
  * 1 molly ballon
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- Green Side of Kopatea V 2.0:
- proses:
ditinggal keluar kota 2 minggu malah jadi lumayan bersih nih tank hahahaha- PRA FINAL SHOOT:
Spec :
  * Tank size : 30x30x25cm
  * Fertilization : Estimasive Index + micro aquaflirt + Dekastar
  * Lightning : HPL 12 watt
  * CO2 : 1 bps
  * Substrate : Platinum Soil
  * Filtration : Eheim 2213
  * Hardscape : Sule Stone
Flora :
  * Baby Tears
  * Montecarlo
  * fissiden
  * cuba
Fauna :
  * 1 molly ballon
Sent using Tapatalk
Last edited by XIV on Wed 31 Dec 2014, 15:24; edited 2 times in total
XIV- Big Fish
- Posts : 121
Points : 3992
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2014-05-03
Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
- Londa:
- Pagi teman2....
Tank ini tank khusus aquajaya challenge. Baru pertama ikut kontes, ternyata sensasinya beda. Bener2 susah, bikin gregetan, dan bikin stres tapi bener2 menyenangkan . Pantas aja master2 kaya pak hamsa n wendy rajin ikut kontes
Tapi berhubung waktu yang mepet banget jadi dokumentasi tank ini minim sekali. Padahal banyak perubahan dari konsep awal kehasil akhirnya.
Londa - Sulawesi Selatan
Day 1 (06 November 2013)
Rencana awal foreground full cuba. Tapi sayang cuba daun air + tanpa DSM. Hanya sebelah kiri depan saja yg berhasil. Saya belum bisa ngarpetin cuba tanpa DSM dulu- Day 1:
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20 Januari 2014
Setelah banyak perubahan sana sini, akhirnya lumayan juga. Trimming rotala biar tumbuhnya mengikuti kontur batu- 200114:
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28 Januari 2014
Setelah perjuangan yg melelahkan, perubahan konsep sana sini, dan hampir down ga jadi ikut aquajaya challenge, akhirnya jadi juga tank ini- FTS:
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Another Shoot
Sedikit foto lain kondisi tank saya ini. Karena rumah kecil terpaksa kebanyakan tank saya taro didalam gudang- another shoot:
Spec :
   * Tank size : 60x35x30cm
   * Fertilization : Estimasive Index + micro aquaflirt + Tetra Initial Stick
   * Lightning : HPL 36 watt
   * CO2 : 3 bps
   * Substrate : Pasir malang + ADA Amazonia
   * Filtration : 2 x resun cy 20 modified
   * Hardscape : Sule Stone
   * 2 small PH
Flora :
   * Cuba
   * unknown moss
   * fissiden
   * Rotala rotun
   * Staurogyne Repens
   * Hydrocotil Tripartita
   * HG japan
Fauna :
   * 4 neon tetra
   * 4 cardinal
   * 1 molly ballon
   * 5 amano sule shrimp
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- Green Side of Kopatea:
- Sebulan lalu baca difacebook komennya master superwen klo pake UGF itu bagus dan berhubung ada tank nganggur, jadilah tank percobaan UGF ini
Setting UGF + HOB- UGF:
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Tambah keramik ring- keramik ring:
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Setting hardscape- hardscape:
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Planting day 1- day 1:
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Week 2- week 2:
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tank ini gagal total karena diinvasi sama hydrocotil- week 2:
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Spec :
   * Tank size : 30x30x25cm
   * Fertilization : Estimasive Index + micro aquaflirt. Tanpa pukdas
   * Lightning : HPL 16 watt
   * CO2 : 2 bps
   * Substrate : Pasir malang
   * Filtration : UGF + HOB
   * Hardscape : Sule Stone
Flora :
   * Cuba
   * HG japan
   * weeping moss
   * fissiden
   * Rotala rotun
Fauna :
   * 3 neon tetra
   * 1 molly ballon
Sent using Tapatalk
- Lawewu Hills:
- Sebenarnya udah ga tahan mo rescape tank 50 jadi beberapa hari yang lalu minta tolong sama adek dikampung buat cariin batu sule n kirim kemakassar. Tapi sayang batu pilihannya kurang bagus buat tank 50.
Nah berhubung ada tank gex 30 nganggur, coba2 bikin tank lagi
Klo dulu bikin jurnal setelah tanknya jadi, skrng coba bikin jurnal dari awal bikin tank ini biar keliatan perkembangannya
Sok2an jadi master aquascape, batunya disusun dilantai dulu. Hahahahaha- pilih batu:
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Rapiin HG japan dulu. Thanx to om faris buat HGnya- HG:
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Sebenarnya ada juga susun cuba kaya HG tapi lupa foto (•_•"). Langsung cincang moss saja- siap cincang moss:
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- hasil cincang moss:
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Oles2 hasil cincangan moss- oles:
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Berhubung krn ini settingan maksa, filternya belum ada jadi terpaksa DSM dulu sampe beli filter hahahahahhaha....
FTS DAY 1- Day 1:
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1 bulan- 1 bulan:
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2 bulan- 2 bulan:
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FINAL SHOOT- final shoot:
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Spec :
   * Tank size : 30x20x25cm
   * Fertilization : Pukdas = TIS, Pupuk cair = aquaflirt tapi sejak november 2013 pake EI
   * Lightning : HPL 16 watt
   * CO2 : Rencananya Pressurized @2 BPS
   * Substrate : Pasir malang + top layer amazonia
   * Filtration : Resun CY 20
   * Hardscape : Sule Stone
Flora :
   * Cuba
   * Weeping Moss
   * HG japan
   * Rotala rotun
Sent from my BlackBerry Jadoel using Tapatalk
Last edited by XIV on Wed 31 Dec 2014, 15:23; edited 2 times in total
XIV- Big Fish
- Posts : 121
Points : 3992
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2014-05-03
Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
- Little Verbeek:
- Kedua tank ini terinspirasi (baca:nyontek ide) dari tank piconya master superwen. Sejauh ini saya belum bisa bikin tank hasil imajinasi sendiri, harus nyontek *malu*
Mohon kritik dan saran teman2
The Twin- Twin:
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First Cube- Cube 1:
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Second Cube- Cube 2:
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Bonus : Iwagumi Emersed- bonus:
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maaf ga ada foto lain, keburu laku soalnya
Spec :
  * Tank size : 20x20x20cm
  * Fertilization : NO
  * Lightning : HPL 4 watt
  * CO2 : NO
  * Substrate : Pasir malang + Silika halus
  * Filtration : UGF aerator
  * Hardscape : Sule Stone
Flora :
  * flame moss
  * fissiden
Sent using Tapatalk
- The Old Sorowako:
- Salam lagi teman2 IAS, mau ngejurnal lagi nih
Kali ini tank size 50. Tank ini sama seperti tank 30 saya, buat belajar pelihara cuba n experiment pake batu sule. Bedanya ditank ini rencana awalnya pake sistem DSM sampe ngarpet dulu baru diguyur air.
Masalah ditank ini, lumayan banyak hair algae. Mungkin gara2 filternya cuma pake resun cy 20 kali yah? Beda ama ditank 30 yg algaenya dikit banget
Day 1- day 1:
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Week 4
DSM 4 minggu ga ada kemajuan, hampir putus asa langsung guyur air aja- week 4:
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Week 8
Alhamdulillah ternyata lbh cepat runner cubanya setelah diguyur- week 8:
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Week 12
Hampir ngarpet semua tapi sisi kanan depan ga ada runner cuba- week 12:
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Week 16
Akhirnya full ngarpet- week 16:
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final shoot- final:
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Spec :
  * Tank size : 50x25x25cm (hibahan master pop13)
  * Fertilization : Pukdas = TIS, Pupuk cair = Aquaflirt
  * Lightning : HPL 24 watt
  * CO2 : Pressurized @2 BPS (inline diffuser)
  * Substrate : Pasir malang + top layer ADA Amazonia
  * Filtration : Resun CY 20 modif
  * Hardscape : Sule Stone & santigi wood (hibahan master siputua)
Flora :
  * Cuba
  * UG
  * Buce2an
  * Fissiden cincang
  * Echi2an
Fauna :
  * 1 molly buat makanin lapisan minyak
  * 1 yellow siklid buat makanin keong homo
Sent from my BlackBerry Jadoel using Tapatalk
- Salonsa Forest:
- Tambah 1 jurnal buat ngeramein IAS
Tank ini terinspirasi dari tanknya pak arif hamsa. Tapi begitu jadi koq jauh amat yah dari tanknya pak hamsa hahahahaha
Tank ini umurnya udah setahun. Krn letaknya diruang tamu yg suhunya lumayan panas jadi pemilihan tanamannya yg tahan banting aja
Day 1
Masih pake lampu krisbow 2x20 watt- day 1:
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5 month
Ganti pake aquazonic 4x24 krn mau pake foreground. Pertama coba glosso, tapi tumbuh keatas terus- 5 month:
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7 month
Begitu led booming, nekat tambah soil ocean free buat tanam cuba- 7 month:
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12 month
Berhubung cuma pake pasmal n soil ocean free. Cubanya ga pernah bisa ngarpet. Ada aja yg terangkat cubanya hahahahah- week 12:
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Spec :
  * Tank size : 60x30x40cm
  * Fertilization : Pukdas = Dekastar+ TIS, Pupuk cair = Aquaflirt
  * Lightning : HPL 24 watt
  * CO2 : Pressurized @2 BPS (inline diffuser)
  * Substrate : Pasir malang + top layer dibagian yg ada cuba pake soil ocean free
  * Filtration : Eheim 2213
  * Hardscape : Serpentine Stone & santigi wood (hibahan master siputua)
Flora :
  * Cuba
  * Anubias Nana
  * Buce2an
  * Fissiden
  * Errect Moss
  * Echi2an
Fauna :
  * 1 molly buat makanin lapisan minyak
  * 1 yellow siklid buat makanin keong homo
  * 5 amandae
  * lumayan banyak anchestor cherry
  * 5 amano sule
Sent from my BlackBerry Jadoel using Tapatalk
- Sumasang Green Theatre:
- Salam teman2 IAS...
Udah lama nih ga nge jurnal. Mencoba beranikan diri ngejurnal lagi
Tank ini sebenarnya buat belajar ngarpetin cuba n karena penasaran dengan batu sule yg bentuknya bagus tapi kebanyakan orang bilang bisa merusak parameter air
Maaf sebelumnya, krn tujuan awal buat belajar cuba n coba batu sule, ga sempat foto pas setting hardscape n tanam awalnya. Baru setelah 2 minggu liat cubanya mulai banyak runner baru difoto
Minggu ke dua- week 2:
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Minggu ke 5- week 5:
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Minggu ke 8- week 8:
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Final Shoot- week 8:
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Spec :
  * Tank size : 30x20x25cm
  * Fertilization : Pukdas = TIS, Pupuk cair = Aquaflirt
  * Lightning : HPL 16 watt
  * CO2 : Pressurized @2 BPS
  * Substrate : ADA Amazonia
  * Filtration : Resun CY 20 modif
  * Hardscape : Sule Stone
Flora :
  * Cuba
  * UG
  * Errect moss cincang (berhasil)
  * Fissiden cincang (gagal)
Fauna :
  * 1 molly buat makanin lapisan minyak
Sent from my BlackBerry Jadoel using Tapatalk
Last edited by XIV on Wed 31 Dec 2014, 15:23; edited 2 times in total
XIV- Big Fish
- Posts : 121
Points : 3992
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2014-05-03
Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
- Shrimscape:
day 1
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Spec :
* Tank size : 40x35x30cm
* Fertilization : Pukdas = dekastar
* Lightning : 1x8watt panasonic
* CO2 : None
* Suhu : Maximal 27 c
* Substrate : Pasir malang 2 cm, ADA AS II hibahan mastah blackvamp (2 cm)
* Filtration : HOB + DIY sponge filter
* Hardscape : Hamsa's Serpentine Stone + ga tau kayu apaan
Flora :
* Vals Gigantea (udah dicabut)
* Glosso
* Peacock moss
* Staurogyne sp. (1 batang doank)
* kadaka
* Pelia
* Windelov
* Downoi
Fauna :
* 8 Yellow Shrimp + ga tau brp burayak YS (baru netes 1 indukan)
* 5 Red Bee
* 5 Black Bee
Last edited by XIV on Wed 31 Dec 2014, 15:21; edited 2 times in total
XIV- Big Fish
- Posts : 121
Points : 3992
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2014-05-03
Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
- Verbeek Harmony:
- tank ini tank kedua yg ane buat, tank pertama asal2an aja dan sekarang jadi tank udang )
berhubung otak ane dah buntu, ga tau mau diapain lagi tank ini
ane memberanikan diri bikin jurnal biar dapat masukan dari mastah2 disini- pic:
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umur 3 hari. masukin flora, keluarin kayu n sedikit batu
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tambah flora, kayu, n tinggiin slope disebelah kanan
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update terakhir 230911 (nambah baby tears)
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Spec :
* Tank size : 60x35x40cm
* Fertilization : Pukdas = dekastar, Pupuk cair = punya koh kim2
* Lightning : 2x25watt panasonic (8jam)
* CO2 : Pressurized @1 BPS
* Substrate : Pasir malang
* Filtration : Hang On Jebo 505
* Hardscape : Hamsa's Serpentine Stone
Flora :
* Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
* Vals Nana
* Sagitaria Natans
* Sagitaria Subulata
* Staurogyne sp.
* kadaka
* Pelia
* Rotala Rotun
* Hydrocotil
* Baby Tears
* Fissiden fontanus
Fauna :
* Amandae
* Lemon alga eater
* Red Nose
* Boraras Maculata
* Corydoras (buat makanin sisa makanan yg tenggelam)
* Caridina iloensis
mohon caci makinya mastah2
thanx to : teman2 aquascaper makassar untuk semua kemudahan yg diberikan selama menjalani hobi ini
update 260911
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hamsa's serpentine stone
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baby tears
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rotala rotun
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lilaeopsi braziliensis
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- Untitled:
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Spec :
* Tank size : 40x25x20cm
* Fertilization : Pukdas = dekastar, Pupuk cair = punya koh kim2
* Lightning : 1x25watt panasonic (8jam)
* CO2 : DIY gula ragi
* Substrate : Pasir malang
* Filtration : Hang On Jebo 505
* Hardscape : Batu Andesit
Flora :
* Java Moss
* Lobelia
* Riccia Fluitan
Fauna :
* Red Cherry
* Lemon alga eater
Last edited by XIV on Wed 31 Dec 2014, 15:20; edited 2 times in total
XIV- Big Fish
- Posts : 121
Points : 3992
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2014-05-03
Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
kebetulan ada space kosong disalah satu rak n karena splitter co2 dah full jadi bikin palud saja.
mohon kripik pedasnya teman2
Emerse Area
Submerse Area
Mini Nepenthes
Baby Drosera Buurmani
NB : Drosera masih diterrarium. ntar klo udah agak besar baru pindahin kepalud
Spec :
* Tank size : 40x30x30(back)x15(front)cm
* Fertilization : -
* Lightning : HPL 16 watt
* CO2 : -
* Substrate : Pasir malang + silika +sphagnum moss
* Filtration : UGF + 2xresun cy20
* Hardscape : Sule Stone + rasamala wood
Flora :
* Cuba
* hydrocotil tripartita
* buce
* fissiden
* Flame moss
* Fern darat
* anubias petite
Fauna :
* mini guppy
mohon kripik pedasnya teman2
- susun hardscape:
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- tambah silika:
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- tambah sphagnum:
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- sesi tanam2:
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- buce keriting:
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- emersed area:
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- submerse area:
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- FTS umur seminggu:
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Emerse Area
- emerse:
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Submerse Area
- submerse:
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- FTS:
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Mini Nepenthes
- Nepe:
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Baby Drosera Buurmani
- drosera:
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NB : Drosera masih diterrarium. ntar klo udah agak besar baru pindahin kepalud
Spec :
* Tank size : 40x30x30(back)x15(front)cm
* Fertilization : -
* Lightning : HPL 16 watt
* CO2 : -
* Substrate : Pasir malang + silika +sphagnum moss
* Filtration : UGF + 2xresun cy20
* Hardscape : Sule Stone + rasamala wood
Flora :
* Cuba
* hydrocotil tripartita
* buce
* fissiden
* Flame moss
* Fern darat
* anubias petite
Fauna :
* mini guppy
Last edited by XIV on Wed 31 Dec 2014, 15:39; edited 2 times in total
XIV- Big Fish
- Posts : 121
Points : 3992
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2014-05-03
Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
lagi keracunan udang hias + coba belajar foto macro
Mohon caci makinya mastah
GEAR : Nikon D3100 + Macro Extension Tube
Yellow Shrimp
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White Spot Sule Shrimp
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Blue Pearl Shrimp
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Rili with White Eggs
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Mambo Sule Shrimp
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Blue Pearl with Red Mask
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Sexy Mama
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[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Ugly Black Bee
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Mambo Shrimplet
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Four Season
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Mohon caci makinya mastah
GEAR : Nikon D3100 + Macro Extension Tube
Yellow Shrimp
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White Spot Sule Shrimp
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Blue Pearl Shrimp
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Rili with White Eggs
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Mambo Sule Shrimp
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Blue Pearl with Red Mask
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Sexy Mama
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[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Ugly Black Bee
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Mambo Shrimplet
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Four Season
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Last edited by XIV on Wed 31 Dec 2014, 15:35; edited 1 time in total
XIV- Big Fish
- Posts : 121
Points : 3992
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2014-05-03
Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
XIV's Carnivorous Plant Paludarium
tanggal 3 juni 2015 Palud ini ulang tahun yang pertama. setelah melewati 3 kali rescape
Spec :
* Tank size : 45x25x25 (back)x8 (front) cm
* Fertilization : non
* Lightning : HPL 21 watt
* CO2 : Non
* Substrate : Spaghnum moss & silika
* Filtration : Non
* Hardscape : Sule Stone
* Mist Maker
Flora :
* Monte Carlo emerse
* unknown moss
* Nepe
* HG japan emerse
* Drosera
* anubias nana emerse
* hydrocotil tripartita emerse
tanggal 3 juni 2015 Palud ini ulang tahun yang pertama. setelah melewati 3 kali rescape
- 3 Juni 2014:
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- 3 Juni 2015:
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- Anubias Emerse:
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- Nepe Murahan:
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- Bunga Drosera:
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- Drosera:
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Spec :
* Tank size : 45x25x25 (back)x8 (front) cm
* Fertilization : non
* Lightning : HPL 21 watt
* CO2 : Non
* Substrate : Spaghnum moss & silika
* Filtration : Non
* Hardscape : Sule Stone
* Mist Maker
Flora :
* Monte Carlo emerse
* unknown moss
* Nepe
* HG japan emerse
* Drosera
* anubias nana emerse
* hydrocotil tripartita emerse
Last edited by XIV on Sat 06 Jun 2015, 08:54; edited 1 time in total
XIV- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
XIV- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
XIV- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
rheinhard- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
Gile keren abis....jd kepengen bikin kaya gini......
DerPanzer- Medium Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
cakep om , like this Â
aquahobby- Small Fish
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reefer reefer- Medium Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
Ada videonya pak ini?
sky- Egg Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
yang aku tau sih nano tank aquascaping khusus buat yang udah sepuh2 akuaskep
karena selain lebih sulit ngatur perubahan parameter air, tkutnya tiba-tiba ada perubahan parameter mendadak n newbie ga isa langsung beresin
karena selain lebih sulit ngatur perubahan parameter air, tkutnya tiba-tiba ada perubahan parameter mendadak n newbie ga isa langsung beresin
H- Small Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
super sekali Â
arifspy- Small Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
Bagus" dan seger" banget. Jadi pengen ikutan main juga, karena selama ini baru berani main hardscape aja. Hehe. Berharap ada tutorial dari master XIV.
Mas, saya pernah liat video, ada moss yg cuma di tempelin tanpa harus diikat benang atau kawat. Apakah sistemnya sama seperti yang mas terapin juga?
Mas, saya pernah liat video, ada moss yg cuma di tempelin tanpa harus diikat benang atau kawat. Apakah sistemnya sama seperti yang mas terapin juga?
JamesHammer- Egg Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
lebih mantap tank tink tonk om rheinrheinhard wrote:Mantab.....
bikin juga omDerPanzer wrote:Gile keren abis....jd kepengen bikin kaya gini......
saya usahakan update tiap ada tank baru omAdmin wrote:Terima kasih bro Randy sudah berbagi disini, kita tunggu updatean nya Â
thanx omaquahobby wrote:cakep om , like this Â
thanx omreefer reefer wrote:Bagus bro....
waduh, maaf pak. ga ada videonyasky wrote:Ada videonya pak ini?
fresh n salt water tank sama2 susahnya koq bro klo tank nano krn perubahan parameter ituH wrote:yang aku tau sih nano tank aquascaping khusus buat yang udah sepuh2 akuaskep
karena selain lebih sulit ngatur perubahan parameter air, tkutnya tiba-tiba ada perubahan parameter mendadak n newbie ga isa langsung beresin
thanx omarifspy wrote:super sekali Â
yup, sama mas. tapi harus di DSM dulu seminggu- 2 minggu biar nempel mossnyaJamesHammer wrote:Bagus" dan seger" banget. Â Jadi pengen ikutan main juga, karena selama ini baru berani main hardscape aja. Hehe. Berharap ada tutorial dari master XIV.
Mas, saya pernah liat video, ada moss yg cuma di tempelin tanpa harus diikat benang atau kawat. Apakah sistemnya sama seperti yang mas terapin juga?
XIV- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
update akhir tahun, ada 2 tambahan tank. tapi masih dalam proses. dalam waktu dekat final shoot. sekarang liat pra final shootnya dulu yah
prosesnya ada dipage 1 post 2
- pra final shoot:
prosesnya ada dipage 1 post 2
XIV- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
Mantap pak
Lie81- Small Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
reef tank nya mana om? wwkwkwk
rheinhard- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
Makasih pakLie81 wrote:Mantap pak
Tunggu master guru menetap dimks dulu baru bikin reef tank hahahahahahrheinhard wrote:reef tank nya mana om? wwkwkwk
XIV- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
aih cakepnyaaa... udang nya keren-keren.
Giest- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
makasih banyak om GiestGiest wrote:aih cakepnyaaa... udang nya keren-keren.
tambah lagi ah
XIV's Carnivorous Plant Paludarium
tanggal 3 juni 2015 Palud ini ulang tahun yang pertama. setelah melewati 3 kali rescape
- 3 Juni 2014:
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- 3 Juni 2015:
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- Anubias Emerse:
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- Nepe Murahan:
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- Bunga Drosera:
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- Drosera:
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Spec :
* Tank size : 45x25x25 (back)x8 (front) cm
* Fertilization : non
* Lightning : HPL 21 watt
* CO2 : Non
* Substrate : Spaghnum moss & silika
* Filtration : Non
* Hardscape : Sule Stone
* Mist Maker
Flora :
* Monte Carlo emerse
* unknown moss
* Nepe
* HG japan emerse
* Drosera
* anubias nana emerse
* hydrocotil tripartita emerse
XIV- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
Reef tanknya mana?????? Hahaaha
rheinhard- Big Fish
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Age : 44
Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
keren2 pak..
b2okane- Egg Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
The Verbeek (2017)
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The Lawewu (2018)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
The Matano (2018)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
The Kopatea (2018)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Proyek Gagal (2018)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
XIValudarium (2018)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Towuti Lake Biotope (2018)
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[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
The Lawewu (2018)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
The Matano (2018)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
The Kopatea (2018)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Proyek Gagal (2018)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
XIValudarium (2018)
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Towuti Lake Biotope (2018)
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XIV- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
Berhubung Aquascape cemburu reef tank diupdate tiap bulan padahal umurnya lebih tua beberapa bulan, jadi mulai bulan ini Aquascape kerehore saya update juga tiap bulan
Saya persembahkan Aquascape 120x55x40 umur 2 tahun 4 Bulan "The Matano"
Oct 2020
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Des 2020
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Saya persembahkan Aquascape 120x55x40 umur 2 tahun 4 Bulan "The Matano"
Oct 2020
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Des 2020
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XIV- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
Update Jan 2021
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XIV- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
seremmmm om, tank nya keren2, btw kalo masih maen palud, coba isi dgn vampire crab om paludnya.
Asfur- Small Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
Masih ada ini palud tapi susah cari vampire crab dimks om. Pernah beli online tapi mati dijalanAsfur wrote:seremmmm om, tank nya keren2, btw kalo masih maen palud, coba isi dgn vampire crab om paludnya.
XIV- Big Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
iya bener vampire crab itu sangat2 rentan, sy sempet dedikasi piara vampire, sampe bikin bbrp palud khusus untuk vampire dari 0 belajar sampe sudah bisa beternak. suka duka belajar pengiriman dari petani tangkap (saya kenal petani lgs yg tangkap), dari dia selalu ngirim mati semua, saya dan itu petani sama2 tuker info utk kirim pake pakingan spt apa agar bisa selamat, dan akhirnya ketemu klik nya dan yg mati hanya bbrp ekor. pengiriman dari pangandaran ke jkt, via paket door to door.XIV wrote:Masih ada ini palud tapi susah cari vampire crab dimks om. Pernah beli online tapi mati dijalanAsfur wrote:seremmmm om, tank nya keren2, btw kalo masih maen palud, coba isi dgn vampire crab om paludnya.
kalo si om mau coba beli vampire, sy kenalin ke temen saya itu, dia bisa supply commando crab, vampire crab, mangrove crab.
btw, kalo si om mau coba2 ternak vampire, nanti boleh kita saling berbagi ilmu. sbg tambahan info, vampire crab ini sangat fragile, teritorial, dan short lived, yah bener umurnya dialam hanya max 3 tahunan dan mati, kalo di palud dikarenakan stress, bisa2 begitu sampe palud dalam wkt singkat pada mati krn stress, jadi vampire crab ini tingkat stress nya tinggi. tp begitu settle, dan anda punya bbrp jantan serta banyak betina, nanti siap2 melihat munculnya bibit2 baru penerus vampire anda.
kmrn ini sy baru titip dia mangrove crab untuk kolam laut saya.
Asfur- Small Fish
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Re: XIV's Aquascape Tanks
oh ya, kalo om masih tertarik dgn vampire crab dan mau beli kepetani, pm saya aja, nanti kalo mau saling berbagi ilmu vampire crab, kita juga bisa via wa.
krn disini ngk ada trit kepiting.
krn disini ngk ada trit kepiting.
Asfur- Small Fish
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